Brainfuck interpreter

In most programming languages, commands can be made of multiple program tokens, where a token is simply string slice that has a particular meaning for the language. For example, in Rust, the function signature pub fn main() could be split by the lexer into tokens pub, fn, main, (, and ). Then, the parser combines tokens into meaningful program instructions.

However, there exists programming languages that are so simple, such as Brainfuck, that each token can be mapped to a single instruction. There are actually 8 single-characters tokens:

/// Each [`Op`] variant is a single character.
#[derive(Debug, Logos)]
enum Op {
    /// Increment pointer.
    /// Decrement pointer.
    /// Increment data at pointer.
    /// Decrement data at pointer.
    /// Output data at pointer.
    /// Input (read) to data at pointer.
    /// Conditionally jump to matching `']'`.
    /// Conditionally jump to matching `'['`.

All other characters must be ignored.

Once the tokens are obtained, a Brainfuck interpreter can be easily created using a Finite-state machine. For the sake of simpliciy, we collected all the tokens into one vector called operations.

Now, creating an interpreter becomes straightforward1:

    let mut i: usize = 0;
    // True program execution.
    loop {
        match operations[i] {
            Op::IncPointer => pointer += 1,
            Op::DecPointer => pointer -= 1,
            Op::IncData => data[pointer] = data[pointer].wrapping_add(1),
            Op::DecData => data[pointer] = data[pointer].wrapping_sub(1),
            Op::OutData => print_byte(data[pointer]),
            Op::InpData => data[pointer] = read_byte(),
            Op::CondJumpForward => {
                if data[pointer] == 0 {
                    // Skip until matching end.
                    i = *pairs.get(&i).unwrap();
            Op::CondJumpBackward => {
                if data[pointer] != 0 {
                    // Go back to matching start.
                    i = *pairs_reverse.get(&i).unwrap();
        i += 1;

        if i >= len {

There is a small trick to make it easy. As it can be seen in the full code, we first perform a check that all beginning loops ('[') have a matching end (']'). This way, we can create two maps, pairs and pairs_reverse, to easily jump back and forth between them.

Finally, we provide you the full code that you should be able to run with2:

cargo run --example brainfuck examples/

2 You first need to clone this repository.

use logos::Logos;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Read};

/// Each [`Op`] variant is a single character.
#[derive(Debug, Logos)]
enum Op {
    /// Increment pointer.
    /// Decrement pointer.
    /// Increment data at pointer.
    /// Decrement data at pointer.
    /// Output data at pointer.
    /// Input (read) to data at pointer.
    /// Conditionally jump to matching `']'`.
    /// Conditionally jump to matching `'['`.

/// Print one byte to the terminal.
fn print_byte(byte: u8) {
    print!("{}", byte as char);

/// Read one byte from the terminal.
fn read_byte() -> u8 {
    let mut input = [0u8; 1];
        .read_exact(&mut input)
        .expect("An error occurred while reading byte!");

/// Execute Brainfuck code from a string slice.
pub fn execute(code: &str) {
    let operations: Vec<_> = Op::lexer(code).filter_map(|op| op.ok()).collect();
    let mut data = [0u8; 30_000]; // Minimum recommended size
    let mut pointer: usize = 0;
    let len = operations.len();

    // We pre-process matching jump commands, and we create
    // a mapping between them.
    let mut queue = Vec::new();
    let mut pairs = HashMap::new();
    let mut pairs_reverse = HashMap::new();

    for (i, op) in operations.iter().enumerate() {
        match op {
            Op::CondJumpForward => queue.push(i),
            Op::CondJumpBackward => {
                if let Some(start) = queue.pop() {
                    pairs.insert(start, i);
                    pairs_reverse.insert(i, start);
                } else {
                        "Unexpected conditional backward jump at position {}, does not match any '['",
            _ => (),

    if !queue.is_empty() {
        panic!("Unmatched conditional forward jump at positions {:?}, expecting a closing ']' for each of them", queue);

    let mut i: usize = 0;
    // True program execution.
    loop {
        match operations[i] {
            Op::IncPointer => pointer += 1,
            Op::DecPointer => pointer -= 1,
            Op::IncData => data[pointer] = data[pointer].wrapping_add(1),
            Op::DecData => data[pointer] = data[pointer].wrapping_sub(1),
            Op::OutData => print_byte(data[pointer]),
            Op::InpData => data[pointer] = read_byte(),
            Op::CondJumpForward => {
                if data[pointer] == 0 {
                    // Skip until matching end.
                    i = *pairs.get(&i).unwrap();
            Op::CondJumpBackward => {
                if data[pointer] != 0 {
                    // Go back to matching start.
                    i = *pairs_reverse.get(&i).unwrap();
        i += 1;

        if i >= len {

fn main() {
    let src = fs::read_to_string(env::args().nth(1).expect("Expected file argument"))
        .expect("Failed to read file");
